Back in my author days, I had a wonderful following, with memorable moments like signing a reader’s guitar (a fun nod to a theme in one of my novels).
It’s true! I’m a published author.
Writing under a pen name, I’ve published three novels, all of which are available on major book retailer sites. On Amazon alone, these books have earned over 900 glowing 4- and 5-star reviews, a milestone I’m incredibly proud of.
That said, due to the nature of my work (romance), I’ve chosen to protect further details with a password. Some of my writing might be considered NSFW (not suitable for work), and while I’m proud of these stories, I’d prefer not to catch anyone off guard, especially as the material might be viewed as PG-13 — or higher — depending on a reader’s way of thinking.
If you’d like to learn more about my books, read excerpts, or explore the social media teasers I created, feel free to reach out for the password. Once you have it, click here!